Thursday 7 May 2015

Top 11 Creepy Easter Eggs.
I’m not one for Easter egg hunting in video games. However when it comes to horror then I become intrigued. You see while horror movies might be a good source for scaring your bollocks off I find that movies can be a little predictable. I don’t know what it is though but something about movies just makes every scare seem forced and expected. It might be because of that faint music in the background gradually getting louder and eerier or one of those famous scenes where someone looks in the mirror one time and everything seems normal and then the second time the monster says hello in a very aggressive fashion. However I have always felt that games are better for giving you goosebumps mainly due to the fact that the scares are triggered by you. It is your fault if you get a heart attack because you are the one that walked down that scary corridor riddled with scary spiders on the walls while a scary teddy bear holding a scary knife sits on a scary chair staring at your every move… scarily.

Anyway back to the main subject I will be providing you my top 10 list of horror Easter Eggs in games. Please be sure to turn off all the lights in the house for the full horror experience and so that I can break into your home and kill you. LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!

#11 Sonic CD – Secret Message
Sonic CD is without doubt one of the best and most forgetful games in the Sonic franchise. The game wasn’t popular because it was released on the Sega CD console which didn’t sell to well because of the crap games on the system. Sonic CD however was one of the great games on the console but because the console’s lack of popularity, this game was left unnoticed.

While the game was great, it did scare the crap out of little kids due to one little Easter egg. This Easter egg was actually a hidden song that wasn’t used in the Japanese release of the game. The song was meant for Boss fight encounters but Sonic Team invented a better song instead. So Sonic Team decided to hide it somewhere in the game as a hidden bonus. As nice as it sounds, the song received many complaints from angry parents with frightened little children. The song included creepy instruments and little children crying. That alone will give someone the creeps but Sonic Team also decided to paste creepy wallpaper with a hidden Japanese message. The wallpaper featured duplicated Sonic the Hedgehogs with a face that appears to be a clown with no eyes which is rather reminiscent to the puppet animatronic featured in Five Night’s at Freddy’s. All I can say is, why the hell put a creepy clown face! Nobody likes clowns anyway. They are naturally scary.

While the wallpaper and song is quite dark. The Japanese message tells another story. The message looks creepy due to its gothic font but the message itself is just nonsense and has nothing to with the song or wallpaper. If you translate the message into English it reads “FUN FROM SEGA ENTERPRISES”. You put creepy wallpaper with a spooky song and you call that fun? I know that Japan make some weird stuff but that takes the cake.

On a side note. Sonic CD is now available on Xbox 360, PS3 and IOS. It’s the same game but Sega have removed the Easter egg but the song however is still there. You can find the song on any Boss fight. While the song is still creepy it does some how feel right. So if you were one of the kids to witness this song in 1993? Then prepare to relive your nightmare, unless you mute the TV.

#10 Psycho Mantis – Metal Gear Solid   
The Psycho Mantis Boss fight is probably the weirdest and cleverest fight to date. In this fight all you had to do was kill the freak but it wasn’t that simple. In the fight, Mantis can read your mind which basically means he can predict your every move which also means that he will dodge every attack. The only way to defeat him was to disconnect your Playstation controller from port 1 to port 2. Doing this somehow made you unreadable which means that you can finally hit the bastard. The fight was genius and unique but Psycho Mantis had another magic trick up his sleeve. He can read your memory card.

When finished reading your memory card he will tell you what games you have played. He can’t tell you every game that you have on your memory card but he can tell you what Konami games you had stored in it. However if you had no game saves on your memory card then he will say that your memory is completely clean. Back then this was genius and still is.

#9 John Romero – Doom 2
Doom 2 is well known for its secrets. It has hidden areas, guns, a bonus level (Wolfenstein level) and a secret boss fight. The secret boss fight is actually part of the boss at the end of the game where you had to shoot rockets into the monster’s brain. Simple enough but if you thought that you actually completed the game think again. You might have killed the monster but you haven’t killed John Romero.

Since Doom was so successful and the technology was so great, John Romero decided to up the ante and managed to put his face in the actual game. To be able to fight John Romero, you had to input a cheat code that would allow you to clip through the map. When the no clip is enabled, you must run into the monsterss face to enter a secret corridor containing John Romero’s face stuck on a stick. Like with any monster, you have to kill him to truly finish the game.

Back then this Easter egg was pretty creepy because the technology was quite new. Another thing that I’d like to point out is that the monster talks in reverse with John Romero’s voice. When you play the voice again in reverse the monster will talk normally and you will hear this "To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero”. This is proof that you must kill John Romero to truly win the game.  

#8 Reverse Zombie voice – Half Life 2
I am not a huge fan of the half life series. I find it rather tedious and the story and protagonist does not interest me at all but that it is my opinion so please don’t hate me. Anyway I’m sure that you are aware of the headcrab zombie things that you encounter during the game. They look decently scary in terms of appearance especially with the amount of blood spewing out of their scrotozone. Honestly why are their dicks so bloody? Did a headcrab try to attach to it before realising that is not the right sort of head to be sucking on? Anyway while yes they do look scary and shuffle around like they have Taco Bell poop in their pants, they aren’t exactly the scariest enemies you’ll find in games. I’m sure that belongs to Chica from Five Nights at Freddy’s since that it looks like the yellow bird in Sesame Street but from hell.

What is scary however is their voice. Yes the constant yelling is pretty intimidating and somewhat annoying but that is no where near as freaky as what I am about to tell you. So listen up. While the crab head zombie thing is on fire it will start to moan. A LOT! And while it seems like normal screaming there is a hidden alternative scream. A much darker and creepier scream. If you reverse the screaming sound clip the zombie head crabby thingy actually begins to speak English. After all they were once human but from the sounds of it they still are. If you listen carefully you can start to make out such words like “oh” and “God”. If only those words were “oh” and “My” then I’m pretty sure we having the makings of a Fifty Shades of Grey game but I digress because I have heard their human like sounds I can start to feel for them. Imagine Screaming for help up inside a Headcrab’s ass while your crotch is on fire. It is an unsettling feeling indeed and I fear for the day where I’m screaming inside a Headcrabs ass.

#7 Hideo Kojima – Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Let’s face it Hideo Kojima is a weird but very clever man. While Metal Gear has a serious story, the overall theme is pretty weird. Metal Gear allows you to hide inside boxes and enables you to hear Johnny’s bowls through walls. In Metal Gear Solid 2 however Hideo Kojima decides to show his creepy side.

During the mission where you have to take photos of Metal Gear, you will appear in a room with 2 projector screens. Now if you take a photo of one of the projector screens you will see the ghost of Hideo Kojima. What makes this creepy is that you don’t expect this to happen at all. Once you have taken the photo you can send it to Otacon where you can see a funny reaction of Otacon being scared. Hideo Kojima has a freaky sense of humour.   

#6 Star Fox: Out of this Dimension
Star Fox for the SNES was one hell of a game that was praised for its amazing 3D graphics back in the day. Because of this and its gameplay it became one of the greatest games ever made and because it was made by Nintendo every kid in the world wanted it. Kids everywhere loved playing as a fox and everyone wanted to kill that forever annoying toad known as Slippy. That slippery bastard.

As some of you may know there are two hidden levels. Both of them are pretty bizarre but one stands out more than the other. The level I am referring to is the “Out of this Dimension” level. Before I tell you what the level is all about I am going to tell you how access it. Isn’t that nice.

After completing Corneria level 3 you will enter the asteroid level. In this level you will encounter lots and lots of asteroids (duh). In order to survive this level you will have to shoot down any asteroid that gets in your way. Just like Asteroids but less clunkier and more 3D. Any way after getting swarmed by a swarm of asteroids you will come across a couple of gigantic asteroids. During normal circumstances you would want to avoid these massive behemoths because they will deal a large amount of damage if you for some reason decide to crash into them despite being pretty easy to overtake. However in order to reach the super secret level you will have to destroy the second big asteroid you come across. After you do that a freaking big ass bird will try to fly into you. Even though it is mighty tempting to bust a cap in that space bird’s ass, to get to the secret level you will have to crash into it. Yep you will have to commit suicide for this one. Once you have crashed into that sweet innocent space bird the secret level will be enabled. Here is where things get a little out of control.

As soon as the level starts you will notice the background moving in quick fashion whilst you’re blinded by a cluster of random bright colours. The main objective is to see how long you can last before getting an epileptic seizure. Seriously if you have epilepsy do not play this level because you will die. If you don’t have epilepsy then you may proceed. Further into the level you will come across enemies however what is different about these enemies is that they seem to be spiralling out of control for some reason. As it turns out this level really is out of this dimension. You are actually lost in space and time. What is worse is that the background seems to have planets with creepy faces and what is even WORSE is that this level never ends. You are now fated with spending the rest of your SNES’s remaining life span in that level doing nothing but shooting a slot machine but I guess you can just hit the reset button and play normally. HOORAY FOR RESET BUTTONS!!!

#5 Room 302 – Silent Hill 4 & Silent Hill Downpour
Silent Hill alone is a creepy game so I don’t even know why I’m mentioning this at all. Well due to my latest bit of research I have noticed an Easter egg in Room 302 from Silent Hill 4.

As you may know the front door of the room is chained up tight and you cannot escape. But what you can do though is look through the peephole. When you look through the peephole you will see people investigating the door to room 302. The people you see during the Easter egg varies depending on how far you have progressed in the game. At some point though you will see a dark image of the main protagonist at the other end of the door.

The famous door however hasn’t stopped haunting yet because it makes a return in the recent Silent Hill Downpour game. At some point in the game you will come across a street called Pearl Creek. There you will see a retractable ladder. Hook it and climb and then BAM! You’re in the building. The room looks identical to the original Room 302 but there is a slight difference because all the photos from the original Room are gone.  Not sure what this suggests but knowing Silent Hill anything could’ve happened.

#4 The Ghost of the Thermal Bath Hotel – Hitman Contracts
In Hitman Contracts you will come across the level “Traditions of the Trade” where the level is based around a hotel. In this Hotel you will find many floors but there is a particular floor where you will find a ghost. You will encounter the ghost multiple times in different rooms.

What makes this creepy is that this is a serious game so you wouldn’t expect to find a ghost in this game. This ghost is a traditional ghost though meaning that you will see it behind you through a mirror. That’s the sign of a traditional ghost. Also if you follow this ghost you will receive a shotgun from the location of the ghost’s corpse.

#3 Luigi Hanged – Luigi’s Mansion 
If you have played Luigi’s Mansion you will notice that it kinda plays like the original Resident Evil. The game was fun, funny and even perhaps creepy. To kids, this was a pretty scary game because the ghosts would pop out of nowhere and the mansion was awfully dark.

While the game was pretty friendly it did get one or two complaints about a certain scene that went horribly wrong. There was a particular scene where you are in the loft and you have to interact with one of the 3 phones. However if you wait in the room for a thunder strike you will see a shadow of what seems to be Luigi hanging from the ceiling.

You’re probably thinking that this is one of those urban legends made up to scare you but surprisingly it is true. You do see Luigi hanged from the ceiling. People have been saying though that this was a glitch of some kind or that Nintendo wanted the game to be dark and sadistic but if that is the case then what the hell were they thinking. This is a kid’s game not a Resident Evil / Silent Hill game. However this hasn’t been properly confirmed so we will never know. Still creepy though.

#2 Fetus Battle – EarthBound
I have always wanted to play EarthBound because I hear so much about it but after some research about the game I found something truly disturbing. Because of this I am avoiding it because this discovery just put me off.

In the game you will have to stop an evil alien called Giygas who wants to destroy the world. As cheesy as this guy sounds the actual enemy is quite sadistic. You play as 4 kids and you have to stop him but you can’t because he is too powerful. During an encounter with Giygas, he tears out the little children’s souls out of their bodies and puts them into robots. That is already a bit sick but it doesn’t end there. At the last part of the game you will have to defeat Giygas at his weakest form and in order to do that the children had to travel in time.

You eventually approach Giygas’s lair (The Devil Machine), which to be frank looks eerily like a woman’s cervix if you look at the middle of the picture. Then you will encounter Giygas’s weakest form, which so happens to be a fetus.

My question is, why? Why would the developers do this to an innocent game? Well apparently the creator of the game had a bad experience when he was a child. He was one day going to a cinema to watch a kid’s film. Unfortunately he went into the wrong room and instead saw a rape scene from a Japanese film. After that unfortunate incident he became traumatized with sadistic thoughts in his head.

As tragic as it sounds, why the hell would the creator share his sadistic thoughts? Well according to an interview the creator thought that by putting this image in the game would sort of relieve the horror that he has been through. Well at least it’s difficult to spot the fetus in the image because a lot of kids would’ve of been inspired to kill unborn babies because they thought it was Giygas.

#1 Vandalized faces – Gameboy Camera    
You probably saw this coming but this is definitely the creepiest Easter egg ever found in a game. Back in 1998, the original Gameboy console had an accessory called the Gameboy Camera. The camera had a built-in software where you can take a picture of yourself and edit it. While a nice addition, it was rather useless because the Gameboy’s screen was very small and the screen resolution was grainy and did not support colour. It did not sell very well and had many complaints from users who have pressed the “Run” button.

The “Run” button was meant for a mini game but it wasn’t the type of mini game that you would’ve expected. Pressing this button would make the game freeze and show you a number of vandalized faces.

These faces scared the crap out of many kids. It scared them because the faces are disturbing. In fact the faces were so scary; Adults were also frightened by these disturbing faces. It gets worse too because the images featured a scream, much like the scream from the scary maze game. (DON’T PLAY IT!) And to top it off. The images also had a caption on the top of the screen saying “Who are you running from”. The Easter egg is basically based around a scary kid snatcher.

I thought that the Fetus in Earthbound was bad but this is even worse. This is why I have chosen this as my number 1 creepiest Easter egg. Congratulations Nintendo! You are one sick Bastard.

Monday 2 March 2015

Hey remember when I said that I needed time to write an article or a review. well pretty soon I will be releasing a top 10 article. I used to do these a lot and they were a lot of fun too. this one is based on my most successful top 10 article which was the top 10 scariest easter eggs. This was actually my first professional article I wrote and I gathered over 20,000 views and bare in mind this was a small website and most articles would get 60 views at the most. So because of that article I gathered a tiny bit of fame for about 15 minutes or so and the website was recognized. Since that I love everything horror (apart from five nights at freddies or what I like to call it 6 day, 7 nights) I thought I might aswell. Plus I really enjoyed scaring the bejesus out of me while playing these games so I hope that you will enjoy the article. Give me a week or two and you will get your fix.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Hi guys. I know that I have not yet posted a review yet but this is because I have been very busy and have not had a lot of time to come up with a review. I am thinking of doing video reviews but I need to get the equipment first. I have a few ideas on how to approach this but right now I just need a little time to myself because I have been working constantly with my current job. I promise to write an article at some point but right now I just need a little me time. In fact a few days ago I have started watching Arrow and I must say that I have missed out. Perhaps when I have caught up on that I will do an article of some kind but for now you will have to sit tight for a little while longer.

Saturday 3 January 2015


Hello gamers. Are you interested in retro games. Well you are in luck because on this blog you will find retrospectives that will go into immense detail so that you can relive your fondest memories as a gamer.

I will also do top 10's and maybe post a few videos when I finally get the right equipment. I have a rough idea of what games I want to review and articles so expect a blog soon.